Eric Ridley

Attorney and Owner,
Law Office of Eric Ridley

Eric Ridley is streamlining his legal practice by adopting AI to cut down task times and improve work quality, matching the rigor he needs in his legal practice. 
The Journey

Generative AI Empowering Legal Excellence

Meet Eric

Meet Eric Ridley, a seasoned attorney whose practice is primarily focused on estate and probate law. At the core of Eric's work is a commitment to delivering his clients a great service - with efficiency and an eye towards innovation. This has led him to explore the integration of AI technology into his legal practice, along with key other tools that let him work best.

Looking for the Right Tool

Eric always has an eye out for opportunities to increase his efficiency, and he saw immense potential in generative AI for a practice like his. He browsed the market and devoted time to finding the platform that would be best for him. 

Eric tried out many solutions, and in a classic goldilocks story found them all to be either too generic (unable to match the intricacies of the legal industry) or too specific (with limitations in what the product could do - not matching his varied needs). What he was looking for was a solution that could deliver high-quality, legal work product for multiple use cases - drafting, document review, legal research, and more. 

Then he met Eve.

A Match

With Eve, Eric found an AI assistant capable of helping him work through all manners of essential but routine tasks: drafting letters to clients, reviewing wills and trusts, and legal research. For example, Eric outlined Eve’s support in writing to clients: "Eve cleans up my quick initial responses to clients and makes them thorough and professional, saving me time on wording and massaging language". The AI's ability to quickly provide well-thought-out answers and handle what Eric calls “document interrogation” - answering all manners of questions about long documents.

Eve surpassed his expectations, the "letter writing is better than expected," Eric notes, "it’s comprehensive, well-organized, and 'thought-out'. Eve has the deep legal knowledge that beats generic solutions in quality of answers.”

“[Eve is] comprehensive, well-organized, and 'thought-out'. Eve has the deep legal knowledge that beats generic solutions in quality of answers.”

Everything at speed

With only a few months of using Eve, Eric is already seeing a significant impact on his daily life. Tasks that once took 30 minutes now take a mere 2 minutes, with only a few added minutes for review. This efficiency gain is not just about time saved; it's about the quality of work. "Eve gets me 90% of the way there 90% of the time," Eric states, emphasizing the consistency and reliability of the AI assistant. This efficiency has allowed Eric to handle cases quickly and focus on the more nuanced aspects of his practice.

Eve gets me 90% of the way there 90% of the time.

Future outlook and potential

Looking ahead, Eric sees Eve as more than just a tool; it's a partner in his practice's growth. He envisions a future where AI becomes a matter-based platform, fully integrated into the tools and processes he uses daily. Eric's forward-looking approach positions him at the forefront of a legal industry that is increasingly turning to AI to enhance efficiency and client service.

Advice for Others

Eric uses Eve as a close partner on key tasks throughout his practice’s day-to-day. His advice to others is: "Treat it like your extra paralegal." Ask questions, assign work, and iterate, just as you would with another member of your staff. Of course, without the cost and effort of hiring. 

Ready for apply Eve to all parts of your legal practice?