How Law Firms Can Strategically Charge for Generative AI while Maintaining Transparency

As generative AI is permeating into the legal world, lawyers and clients alike are raising ethical and practical concerns: how and when is it acceptable to charge clients for the use of AI? 
Written by
Jamie Fonarev
Published on
July 18, 2024

As generative AI is permeating into the legal world, lawyers and clients alike are raising ethical and practical concerns: how and when is it acceptable to charge clients for the use of AI? 

More and more legal providers are adding AI to their toolset, and along with the added efficiency, they must add complexity to their billing and disclosure practices. 

Today we’re going to tackle the tactical question: When and how should lawyers charge for AI? Note that in this article we won’t cover the ethics of using AI in legal work - stay tuned for our upcoming article on the ethics of legal AI use.

There are many ways that lawyers who leverage AI are handling the costs associated with their new technology - ranging from: firm expense with no client charges (eating the cost) to passing on the full cost to the client. This post will explore how law firms can effectively charge for AI services like Eve, ensuring that both the firm and the client reap the benefits of technological advancements. 

The Current Landscape of Charging for AI

While some law firms view the costs associated with AI as a necessary overhead, akin to their investment in traditional legal research tools and office equipment, others are pioneering new billing models that directly pass these costs onto their clients. This shift is largely driven by the recognition that AI tools are not just another expense but a transformative investment that can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of legal services provided. 

The perspective that is coming into the lexicon of the legal sphere is that AI isn’t just another tool in the toolbox, but an augmentation of the holistic firm process. AI is changing not just how a firm is taking on discrete tasks such as legal research or e-discovery, but how each part of the client’s case is being worked on. 

In navigating this landscape, firms are carefully considering the implications of their billing strategies on client relationships and firm profitability. The decision to absorb AI costs reflects a commitment to innovation without immediate financial return, positioning the firm as a leader in adopting cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, firms that choose to charge clients for AI usage do so with the understanding that this technology is offering tangible benefits which can lead to better outcomes and, ultimately, higher client satisfaction. 

As the industry evolves, the conversation around AI billing practices continues to be a dynamic one, with each firm tailoring its approach to align with its values, client expectations, and the competitive legal market. 

In this article we’ll discuss two of the ways that firms are approaching passing on some or all of the cost of their added AI technology. 

Option 1: Cost Recovery or Chargeback Model

Cost recovery or chargeback is the practice of recouping the expenses incurred. Traditionally, law firms have recovered costs for tangible, direct expenses such as photocopying, postage, and court filing fees. However, as technology becomes increasingly integral to the practice of law, the spectrum of recoverable costs has expanded to include sophisticated legal technology as well. Firms are now adopting chargeback models that aim to allocate specific technology costs to clients, reflecting the usage of these tools in their legal matters. 

Benefits: The cost recovery model offers a transparent and equitable billing approach, where clients are charged for the specific legal technology used in their cases. This direct expense allocation can foster trust, as clients appreciate the clarity regarding the services they are paying for. Additionally, the ability to recoup costs for advanced tools incentivizes law firms to invest in innovative technologies. Moreover, itemizing technology costs helps clients manage their legal budgets more effectively, as they can anticipate and understand the expenses associated with their legal matters.

Concerns: On the downside, the cost recovery model can lead to client pushback, as some may view the additional charges for technology as unnecessary. The complexity of accurately tracking and billing for technology use adds administrative burdens and can complicate the billing process. There is also a risk that firms may focus excessively on recouping every expense, potentially damaging client relationships and the firm's reputation. Competing law firms that absorb these costs may attract clients looking for more inclusive fees, posing a challenge in a competitive market. 

Option 2: The Retainer Model 

The retainer model offers a strategic approach for law firms to manage the financial aspects of AI integration within their billing practices. By incorporating AI-related costs into a retainer agreement, firms can provide a clear and upfront account of the expenses associated with the use of generative AI tools. This model allows for the inclusion of AI as a distinct line item—be it labeled as "AI," "Tech fees," "Admin fees," or another term chosen at the firm's discretion. 

Benefits: The retainer model presents a proactive approach to integrating AI costs into law firm billing, offering several advantages. It provides transparency and predictability, which are key to building and maintaining trust with clients. By including AI as a line item in retainer agreements, clients receive a clear understanding of the costs upfront, allowing them to budget accordingly and avoid unexpected charges. This model also benefits law firms by creating a stable revenue stream that compensates for the use of AI technologies, aligning the firm's financial interests with the delivery of enhanced legal services. The retainer model underscores the value that AI brings to legal work, such as improved research, risk assessment, and document management, justifying its cost as part of the superior service clients receive.

Concerns: However, the retainer model is not without its drawbacks. Some clients may be hesitant to agree to a retainer that explicitly includes AI costs, preferring traditional billing methods that do not itemize technology expenses. There is also the potential for difficulty in justifying the value of AI to clients who may not fully understand its benefits or believe that such costs should be absorbed by the firm as part of its operational expenses. 

Maintaining Transparency

Transparency in billing for AI is crucial as it not only aligns with the ethical standards expected of legal professionals but also fosters trust and strengthens client relationships. Clients deserve to understand the services they are paying for, and by being upfront about the costs associated with AI, law firms can demonstrate their commitment to fairness and value. Transparent billing practices ensure that clients can appreciate the tangible benefits AI brings to their legal matters, such as quicker turnaround times and more accurate insights, which in turn can lead to greater client satisfaction and loyalty.

When it comes to billing transparency, the manner in which costs are labeled on invoices plays a pivotal role. Law firms that utilize AI in their practice must consider the best practices for defining and communicating the "upfront technology costs" to their clients. These costs can be labeled in various ways, such as "tech fees," "admin fees," "AI usage," or other similar terms that accurately reflect the nature of the expense. The key is to ensure that clients are not only aware of what they are being charged for but also recognize the value that the firm's investment in technology brings to their case. Clear labeling on invoices serves to demystify the costs associated with AI and underscores the firm's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge tools for the client's benefit. 

In Summary

The implications of how law firms choose to bill for AI are far-reaching, affecting not only their bottom line but also their reputation and client relationships. By thoughtfully considering and implementing AI billing strategies, firms can position themselves as forward-thinking and client-focused, which is increasingly important in a legal market where clients are looking for value beyond just the traditional delivery of legal services. The approach to billing for AI reflects a firm's adaptability and its willingness to invest in tools that can lead to better legal outcomes. It's a testament to the firm's understanding of the evolving needs of their clients and the legal profession as a whole.

Parting Thoughts

As we part ways with traditional technology tools and embrace the future, law firms must recognize that the integration of AI into their practice is not just about staying current with technology—it's about redefining the value proposition they offer to clients. Firms that navigate the complexities of AI billing with clarity and integrity will not only enhance their service offerings but also build stronger, more transparent relationships with their clients. The conversation around AI billing is an ongoing one, with each firm finding its path in a landscape that continues to shift with each technological advancement. In the end, the goal is to ensure that the use of AI in legal practice is not just about efficiency or cost—it's about enhancing the practice of law and the client experience in profound and meaningful ways.

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